Academic Support at GSU provides students with the tools and support needed to learn and achieve academic success!
Our programs and services are designed to help you gain the skills to perform your best in the classroom and beyond. To that end, we help in most subjects and in a wide range of platforms. There is something for everyone, and, services are free. Yes, FREE!
Fun, interactive study sessions for traditionally difficult courses.
Have questions? Email: [email protected]
Free tutoring is available on all Perimeter College Campuses as well as Online for most Perimeter College courses.
Have questions?
Email: [email protected]
Tutoring on the Atlanta Campus for students taking classes in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics.
Have questions? Email: [email protected]
A platform enabling GSU students to book course-specific peer tutoring. Knack Tutors are fellow students who have previously aced the courses they offer assistance in; sessions take place online. To view available tutors, visit gsu.joinknack.com.
Have questions? Email: [email protected]